Time to stand up for God

My response to the attacks of Christianity seen in the world today.

Location: New York

I am a wife and mother and work outside the home as a nurse.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

I have noticed that words Merry Christmas are no longer an exceptable greeting during the holidays. When wishing someone a Merry Christmas you are left to feel you have commited some sort of crime.

In the world as it is today, the mere mention of Christ is taboo. So what is the holiday season for? Jesus is the reason for the season, is he not?

As Christians let us stand up and say ENOUGH! We must put Christ back in Christmas. We can no longer stand by silently as the attacks on Christianity become more and mor blantant.

What can I do you ask? Well, wish everyone you see a very merry Christmas. Let the world see you will not stand silent any longer. Put Christ back into Christmas.


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