Time to stand up for God

My response to the attacks of Christianity seen in the world today.

Location: New York

I am a wife and mother and work outside the home as a nurse.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Walmart Speaks

John Gibson of Fox news had a story on Nov 10 about Walmart and Merry Christmas. I was shocked when I heard what Walmart had to say. The story goes like this, a women wrote Walmart asking them why they do not use Merry Christmas but Happy Holidays instead? Walmart's Customer Relations Specialists replied to the e-mail.

What he wrote in this e-mail is nothing more then Christian bashing. Here is some of what he had to say: "Walmart is a worldwide organization and must remain conscious of this. The majority of the world still has differnt practices other then Christmas, 'which has its roots in Siberian Shamanism."

Ok so what he is saying is that Christmas has its foundations in witchcraft. He says alot more but I will not bore you with his rhetoric. Let us just say he seems to think that Christmas is a pagan day.

On Friday Walmart promptly fired Mr. Customer Relations Specialist and apologized. Yet they have not totaly backed down, they will still refer to Christmas as The Holiday.

They seem to forget that 84 percent of US citizens are Christians. Would they like Christians to shop elsewhere for our Christmas. Hey Walmart put Christ back into Christmas He is the reason for the spending season!


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